

ARC - Advanced Reader Copy

HEA - Happily Ever After

SFR - Science Fiction Romance

meme - Comes from the Greek word "mimeme" which meant a way to spread.  The shortened version (meme) has come to mean a way to spread or propagate ideas.  Book bloggers have adopted the term and use it when concepts or books are linked and shared between blogs.

CDSF - Character Driven Science Fiction

YA - Young Adult

DNF - Did not finish

TBR - To be read

WIP - Work in progress

SWAG - Stuff We All Get

POV - Point of View (Refers to story through the eyes of which character)

Pantser—One who does not plan out their story in advance before writing. Stands for writing by the seat of one’s pants.
Plotter—One who does plan out a story in advance. Often in great detail.