
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Search for the Star Stones by Andre Norton

Space Opera

Growing up I wanted a life of adventure. Unfortunately my Mother wanted a quiet, ladylike daughter. Real life adventure was out so I got mine vicariously through books. On a trip to the local library when I was 9 I found a book with a space ship on the spine and checked it out. Trouble on Titan was the first Science Fiction book I read and I was hooked. I had found the ultimate adventure. The only problem was the lack of female characters but I solved that by mentally rewriting the story with a role for me. After that I read all the Science Fiction I could find. Some of those books were by Andre Norton.

I read Star Man’s Son soon after it was published in 1952 and it became one of my favorites. Not only was the story good but the author was female. I read all of her early books, most as soon as they were published. At that time many of her books had mostly male characters but at least here was a female writing the adventure I loved.

I still go to the library. Science Fiction books are still my first choice. I have lived some of my own adventures, but I still love to sink into a good Science Fiction story. On a recent trip to the library I saw Search for the Star Stones by Andre Norton on the new bookshelf. Originally published in 1968 as two books (The Zero Stone and Uncharted Stars), Andre Norton’s estate has renewed the copyright and Baen has re-published the two novels. The stories read better as one book. The Zero Stone leaves a lot unfinished and Uncharted Stars picks up right where the previous book left off.

Reading the Search for the Star Stones was like revisiting an old friend. There is adventure, action, suspense and a strange new creature woven into a great story. While later books have females in lead roles Search for the Star Stones has primarily male characters. If you have never read any of Andre Norton’s books you have missed some good reads. If you have already read any of her books this is a chance to go back and revisit some old friends.

Search for the Star Stones is not the only Andre Norton book Baen has re-published. Check the Baen web site for others. They are all available as hardcopies or as e-Books.

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