
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Short and Sweet Audio Book Reviews # 249 - The Quantum Spy by David Ignatius, Blood of Dragons by Jack Campbell

The Quantum SpyThe Quantum Spy by David Ignatius
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After listening to this I came away not liking most of the characters. There was a lot of action featuring different spy agencies and interlocking characters. I left liking the opposition better than the home team with one exception. It does beg the question what is right and what in wrong when you are working in national security.

Blood of Dragons (The Legacy of Dragons, #2)Blood of Dragons by Jack Campbell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kira, daughter of Master Mechanic Mari and Master of Mages Alain, meets someone who just does not understand no. Once again Kira and Jason must work to escape before they are captured or killed. As the story follows Kira and Jason it also gives insight into what Mari and Alain are feeling as they have to let someone else deal with the danger to Kira. There is a lot of excitement and tension in the story. There is also the budding romance between Kira and Jason. One set of danger is resolved. What is left unresolved is what happens to Kira when she uses her Mage Skills. That will be resolved in the next book. MacLeod Andrews does a good job on the different voices in the story and puts just the right amount of feeling and tension where needed.

View all my reviews

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