by D. Lieber
GENRE: Fantasy
Exiled from Faerie when her father dies, half-Fae Ember is surprised by
how much the human realm has changed since she was there last. She takes a
dangerous job on a merchant airship, hoping a life on the move will keep her
well-hidden. Sure, she misses her brother, but years of apathy have numbed her
When the
optimistic and naïve Reilley follows her, it’s annoying to say the least. But
when she starts feeling responsible for him, long-stifled emotions crack the
ice around her heart.
pirates, and traveling players meet in this steampunk fantasy adventure as
Ember tries to cope with feelings long forgotten and a past that pursues her.
I scanned the crowd, but there was no sign of them.
My stomach lurched, and I swallowed my panic. I moved as quickly as I could to
the place where Reilley had just stood.
To the right was a dim alley with curtained doors
lining the sides. I shot into the shady street.
“Reilley?” I called and received no answer.
Up ahead, a curtain covered the light that spilled
into the alley. I rushed for that doorway. Ripping open the curtain, I lunged
In the small room, two men sat on crates playing
cards on a box in between them. They looked up as I entered.
“Where is he?”
Neither responded as they returned to their game. I
spotted a door at the back of the room and barreled toward it. The two men
moved to stop me.
“I don’t have time for this,” I told them as they
blocked my way.
The one closest to the door I wanted to get through
crossed his thick arms over his chest and lifted his chin, looking down at me
with a smirk. His wirier friend stepped toward me and pointed the way I’d come.
“This party is closed,” he said with a heavy
accent. “If you don’t have an invitation, leave.”
“I just need to get my friend. Then, I’ll leave.”
He shook his head and grabbed my upper arm to
escort me out. “You will leave now.”
I rotated my elbow and broke his grip then pulled
back and drove the heel of my hand into his nose.
I asked D. were she would go for inspiration and here are her answers.
Almost every place I
have ever been outside the USA has influenced my writing, especially in The
Exiled Otherkin because the characters travel a lot. Among others, they go to
London, Paris, Strasbourg, and Rome, all places I have been.
I have only traveled
once with the purpose of researching/experiencing a place specifically for
writing, and that was Alberta, Canada. It was truly inspirational, and I can’t
wait to start the novel set there.
AUTHOR Bio and
writes stories she wants to read. Her love of the worlds of fiction led her to
earn a Bachelor’s in English from Wright State University.
she isn’t reading or writing, she’s probably hiking, crafting, watching anime,
Korean television, Bollywood, or old movies. She may also be getting her geek
on while planning her next steampunk cosplay with friends.
lives in Wisconsin with her husband (John), retired guide dog (Samwise), and
cat (Yin).
D. Lieber will be awarding a fancy homemade bookmark (US ONLY) to
a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.