Sunday, November 21, 2010

Somewhere Along the Way, A Harmony Novel by Jodi Thomas


Just like a master weaver who can take threads of any color and weave them together into a beautiful fabric Jodi Thomas can take characters of all types and weave them into a fascinating story. While Somewhere Along the Way continues the story of Regan Truman she is not the only main character. There is Gabe Leary, a wounded war hero who only wants to be left alone, Liz Matheson, whose encounter with Gabe changes both of their lives, and those are only two of the residents of Harmony whose lives are woven into Somewhere Along the Way.

In Somewhere Along the Way Jodi Thomas has created a town filled with characters that make the reader beg for more. The dialog is wonderful and often funny, the characters are just what you might find in any small town and the twist and turns in the plot keep you reading.

Welcome to Harmony is the first book in the series. The third book is due out in the Fall of 2011.

Berkley published Somewhere Along the Way by Jodi Thomas is 2010.

I purchased Somewhere Along the Way from Borders.

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