Saturday, March 31, 2018

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 212 - Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas, Lord of Temptation by Erica Ridley

Hello Stranger (The Ravenels, #4)Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Something is rotten in England and Ethan Ransom is following the trail to the traitors. Then the very lovely Dr. Garrett Gibson arrives on the scene and a wonderful night happens. That is not all. Garrett, who is the only female doctor in England, becomes a pawn to use agains Ethan. This uses the illegitimate son trope as part of the plot and it works very well. Now all the Ravenels are part of the story line as both legitimate and illegimate work together to save the day. Look for some very interesting disclosers that keep the romance in the story on track. A very good addition to the series.

Lord of Temptation (Rogues to Riches Book 4)Lord of Temptation by Erica Ridley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

On a personal note I did not like the cover on the book but did enjoy the story. Lord Hawkridge and Faith Digby have a past but not a very good one. Seems Hawk, at 18, cast her off with only a letter saying goodby 10 years ago. He felt he had good reason as he had just learned he was saddled with more debts than he could pay off in years. Now they have just crossed paths and the reunion has not been a happy one. Faith has a secret. That drives the story line. Both feel betrayed but both have at least one common goal. A nice addition to the Lords to Riches series.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Thursday, March 29, 2018

For This Moment by Holly Bush - Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

For This Moment
by Holly Bush


GENRE: Historical Romance



1871 - Born to privilege and duty in Virginia, Olivia Gentry comes of age as women begin to find their social and political independence. She has been raised and educated to carry on the Gentry family’s successful horse breeding stables with her brothers at Paradise, their family home. Having been deceived in love as a young woman and unsure of her instincts, she is wary to commit to a marriage, but she cannot deny her long-buried feelings for a family friend.

Jim Somerset has been in love with Olivia Gentry from the moment she gazed up at him as a young girl. A farrier by trade like his father before him, he and his business’s future are inexorably entwined with the Gentry family. He has watched her be courted by statesmen, and considers her and her goals out of the reach of a common workman, like himself.  But he is fearful that he will never rid Olivia from his mind and from his heart. Has the moment come for him to reveal his passions for her? Find out in the third installment of the Gentrys of Paradise.



Twilight had descended, though, and she wasn’t walking into the woods, where tree cover had already made it dark. But Olivia was heading toward the woods, where she could skirt the cool edges, away from the crowds until her breathing and sense were restored. She noticed two things as she walked. The sound of human voices had dimmed, and Jim Somerset was standing directly ahead of her.

“Of all people,” she said softly.

He pushed off the tree he was leaning against and walked toward her. He didn’t stop until he was standing close to her.

“Are you engaged to him?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“What did that kiss mean?” he blurted out.

“I didn’t kiss him,” she said and looked so forlorn, so lost, that he wanted to gather her in his arms like he would a sister or brother who’d skinned a knee. But that wasn’t quite true, or even true a small amount, because he wanted to ease her to the ground and cover her body with his. He wanted to touch her face and hair. He wanted to put his lips on hers.

“At the creek when you kissed me,” he clarified.

She was silent for so long he wondered if she’d heard him or was ever going to answer if she had heard him. He was staring at her, waiting, when the tears began to roll down her cheeks and drop off her chin. The muscles in his chest contorted and twisted as he watched each tear fall. He had to force himself to breathe. Her hurt, her pain, was constricting his heart’s ability to beat and his lungs’ capacity to draw air and he understood at that moment with some clarity what poets meant by heartbreak.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Holly Bush writes historical romance set in the the late 1800’s, in Victorian England, and and occasional Women’s Fiction title. Her books are described as emotional, with heartfelt, sexy romance. She makes her home with her husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  Connect with Holly at and on Twitter @hollybushbooks and on Facebook at Holly Bush.



Holly Bush will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour:

A Hole in One by Judy Pena Sheluk - Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

A Hole in One
by Judy Penz Sheluk


GENRE: Mystery



Hoping to promote the Glass Dolphin antiques shop, co-owners Arabella Carpenter and Emily Garland agree to sponsor a hole in one contest at a charity golf tournament. The publicity turns out to be anything but positive, however, when Arabella’s errant tee shot lands in the woods next to a corpse.

They soon learn that the victim is closely related to Arabella’s ex-husband, who had been acting as the Course Marshal. With means, opportunity, and more than enough motive, he soon becomes the police department’s prime suspect, leaving Arabella and Emily determined to clear his name—even if they’re not entirely convinced of his innocence.

Dogged by incriminating online posts from an anonymous blogger, they track down leads from Emily’s ex-fiancé (and the woman he left Emily for), an Elvis impersonator, and a retired antiques mall vendor with a secret of her own.

All trails lead to a mysterious cult that may have something to do with the murder. Can Arabella and Emily identify the killer before the murderer comes after them?



Arabella Carpenter let the others go first. All three managed to clear the pond with their tee shot and land on the green, but not one was anywhere close to getting a hole in one. Arabella breathed a sigh of relief—since they were sponsoring the contest, their foursome might not be eligible to win, but it still freaked her out to think someone else might. She went through her mental prep, took her swing, and watched as her ball went directly into the woods.

“Hey, you made it over the water,” Hudson said, hopping into his cart. “For someone just starting out, that’s not a bad shot.”

Arabella caught Emily’s look and smiled. He really was a nice guy. “Thanks, Hudson. Whether I can find my ball is an entirely different story. Why don’t I look for it while you guys putt in? I’m sure one of you will be able to make the shot.”

They crossed the pond on a wooden bridge just wide enough for their golf carts, parked on the path next to the hole, and grabbed their putters. Luke, Hudson, and Emily went to the green and began debating which ball to hit. Arabella trundled over to the woods, feeling stupid and hoping like hell it wasn’t infested with poison ivy. The woods were thicker than she’d expected. She walked in a couple of feet, using her putter to push the branches aside.

That’s when she started to scream.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

An Amazon international bestselling author, Judy Penz Sheluk is the author of two mystery series: The Glass Dolphin Mysteries (THE HANGED MAN’S NOOSE and A HOLE IN ONE) and The Marketville Mysteries (SKELETONS IN THE ATTIC). Her short crime fiction appears is included in several collections, including LIVE FREE OR TRI.

Judy is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and Crime Writers of Canada, where she currently serves on the Board of Directors as the Regional Representative for Toronto/Southern Ontario.
Find Judy on her website/blog at, where she interviews and showcases the works of other authors and blogs about the writing life.

Social Media Links

Buy Links for A HOLE IN ONE:



Judy Penz Sheluk will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour:

March 19: Rogue's Angels
March 19: Unabridged Andra's
March 22: Stuffed with Lurv
March 23: BooksChatter
March 27: Natural Bri
March 27: Readeropolis
March 28: XoXo Book Blog
March 29: Mixed Book Bag
April 2: The Avid Reader
April 5: Edgar's Books
April 5: Notes From a Romantic's Heart - review
April 6: Bookaholic - review
April 10: Harlie's Books
April 12: Journey of a Bookseller - review
April 12: Sapphyria's Books
April 13: B-Gina Review
April 13: It's Raining Books

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 211 - Murder At Half Moon Gate by Andrea Penrose, The Chosen by Thea Harrison

Murder at Half Moon Gate (A Wrexford & Sloane Mystery #2)Murder at Half Moon Gate by Andrea Penrose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have a real weakness for historical mysteries. What I love are the things that are a big part of the story in Murder at Half Moon Gate. This is a mixture of the real and what could have been. In addition the characters fit the period where the story is set. This time the two main characters are Lord Wrexford, a English lord who loves science and feels that there is no room for emotion. Helping him is Charlotte Sloane, a lady with a somewhat mysterious past who uses a male pseudonym A. J. Quill to publish her scathing political cartoons. The mystery is complex, the danger ever present, and there is an excellent fit with the time period. The two have some very interesting helpers. All of the characters are very well developed, even those in a secondary role. This is book two in the series and I wished that I had read book one. Even so I had no trouble keeping up with the story. A very nice addition to the historical mystery universe.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

The Chosen (Elder Races, #9.7)The Chosen by Thea Harrison
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A nice story that has some ties to the Elder Races series but sits a long way outside. The characters are new and a different world is built. I liked both Wolf and Lily. They were complex characters who carried the plot and kept things interesting. There were some fun scenes between the two as rock met hard place. A story that adds to the series for fans but can stand alone as an introduction for new readers.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

One for The Price of Two by Howard Weiner - Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

One for the Price of Two
by Howard Weiner


GENRE:   Fiction, Thriller, Crime



Fraternal twins are raised by an ambivalent aunt who provides an unusual childhood experience. One twin leaves home to join the armed forces and is ultimately assigned to a Special Forces unit conducting clandestine operations in North Korea. The death of one his unit members produces an introduction to an organized crime family specializing in murder for hire. The funeral for the family's son and an interest in their daughter brings new blood and methods to the family business.



Later, she found she couldn’t explain what it was about the passenger who boarded in the midst of the newbies. He was taller than most, but that wasn’t it. His facial features were smooth, rounded with none of the angular bone structures most men had. He wore one of those rugby shirts with the parallel horizontal lines much like the old TV test patterns. His skin was light, very light. Perhaps that was it. Who lived in Las Vegas with milky white skin?

His long sandy hair was tied in the back—a man bun.

The horror that was the boarding process mercifully came to an end. The late hour guaranteed a quick trip to their runway and takeoff. Planes waiting to depart were not stacked up. A long, but quick taxi ride to the take-off area was the only thing between the plane and flight. Quickly, they were airborne, and shortly thereafter, they reached cruising altitude. Drink and snack service began.

The senior flight attendant encouraged economy passengers scattered throughout the plane to move forward. Seating was plentiful, and they wanted to bring this part of the flight service program to an end.

She completed the business class service and turned her attention to staging the extra beverages and ice needed to begin service in the economy section, when one of the other attendants started to complain.

“Didn’t she hear us ask everyone in economy to please move forward?”

“I’m sorry,” she started, “who are you talking about?”

“The tall woman sitting in front of the rear bulkhead.”

“Describe her,” she prompted.

“Tall, milky complexion, soft features, pony-tail, wearing a rugby dress.” She paused, “Can you imagine? Skin like that in the hot desert sun. She must hide under a ton of sun screen and big hats. Poor thing.”

“Did you say a woman?” she asked.

“Yes, a woman.”

The only person who fit that description was a man she saw during boarding.

Wow, she thought. It’s been a long day. Did I mistake a woman for a man?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Howard Weiner is a recent addition to the literary genre of fiction. Writing mysteries, thrillers, crimes—with a touch of romance—an approach described by one reader as “one bubble off.”

Many authors sharing the genre have characters whose fortune is determined by others. They literally have dodged the bullet that otherwise would have killed them. Weiner’s characters make their own fortune—good or bad—and they live with the results.

Weiner’s own experiences are blessed with no small number of noteworthy characters and events. He brings these slightly off-kilter individuals to life, complete with their own stories and dramas. Like the child prodigy in his first novel, "It Is Las Vegas After All", who comes to the starting edge of adulthood and then loses the approval of his doting parents, the sponsorship of one of America’s great institutions of higher education, and gains the enmity of his girlfriend’s father—an international arms dealer—to become a home-grown terrorist operating on U.S. Soil.

A survivor of rich, nuanced bureaucracies in the public and private sector, Weiner writes about characters whose career choices and decisions are morally questionable. A student of personal behavior in complex circumstances, Weiner brings these often cringe-worthy characters to life. Some are amoral, others immoral in a narrow slice of their lives, yet they otherwise look and act like people we all know from work or even childhood. Like one of the female leads in his novel, "Serendipity Opportunity", an out-of-the-box thinker who flunks most of life’s basic relationship tests, yet she is someone you never want pursuing you in the cause of justice. There’s a former foreign security official who uses his protected status as a witness for federal prosecutors to provide cover for his own mayhem and murder in Weiner’s third novel, "Bad Money".

Many of Weiner’s stories are born out of real life events: The mix-up in luggage claim at the airport in, "Bad Money", the chronic high school slacker in "Serendipity Opportunity" whose one stroke of good fortune creates his opportunity to perpetrate a complex series of frauds, or the brilliant student in "It Is Las Vegas After All" who uses his prodigious talents toward an evil end.

As a former federal official, Weiner can neither confirm nor deny having the highest security clearances in classified security programs. Yet, his knowledge of the dark web, criminal organizations, and security organizations takes stories from the popular press to the next level.

Amazon Author Central Web Site:

The book will be $0.99 during the tour.

Author Web Site:



Howard Weiner will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomldrawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour:

March 19: books are love
March 20: Author C.A.Milson
March 21: Readeropolis
March 21: BooksChatter
March 23: T's Stuff
March 23: A Chick Who Reads
March 26: XoXo Book Blog
March 27: Mixed Book Bag
March 27: Just Books
March 28: A Writer's Life
March 28: The Avid Reader
March 29: Jazzy Book Reviews
March 30: My Reading Journeys - review
April 2: B-Gina Review
April 4: Unabridged Andra
April 5: Bookaholic
April 6: Edgar's Books
April 10: Natural Bri - review
April 10: So Many Books
April 11: Sapphyria's Books
April 12: Harlie's Books
April 13: Two Ends of the Pen - review