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Three Wishes
by Debra Dunbar
Dar helped his foster sister become the ruler of Hel, and helped
her free the enslaved humans from the elves. It’s about time he helped himself
– to a fun week of mayhem in the Windy City. Collapsing a few buildings and
corrupting politicians is an ideal vacation for a demon in Chicago, but Dar
didn’t count on a beautiful angel sabotaging his fun and putting him to work.
Asta is an angelic enforcer, scanning for demons in her assigned
territory and sending them to an early grave. Unfortunately, the latest
trespasser from Hel has diplomatic immunity - but immunity doesn’t mean she
can’t coerce him into helping her track and dispatch the powerful demon that’s
been cycling in and out of her radar for the last few days.
Demons are the sworn enemies of every angel, but Asta must learn
to trust Dar or the dark presence that is growing in Chicago will spread - and
this particular enemy has the skills and knowledge to send human civilization
back to the dark ages. She has one week left as an enforcer before she returns
to her heavenly home – one week to catch an elusive monster, and one week to
safeguard her heart from the demon who is determined to seduce her to sin.
My thoughts on Three Wishes:
Three Wishes is a spin-off from Debra Dunbar’s Imp
series. It does stand alone. I loved both Asta and Dar. Asta, is an angel, has been on Earth
100 years and is just one week from going back home when she meets Dar, the
demon. Things just keep getting more
complicated and fun as the two get together.
Dar is just fun, fun, fun with an unexpected serious
side. His has great lines and an
engaging personality. Asta on the
other hand is very serious about her job.
She keeps trying to keep Dar in check. I loved their back and forth relationship. There is another demon on the scene and
he is really bad news. Both Dar
and Asta have to work together to save humans from the damage this very angry
demon can do.
If you start reading and wonder where the title Three Wishes
comes from keep going. It does not
show up until the middle of the book and then it is not what you might expect.
A few blocks later, the demon turned and walked
into a bakery. Not just any
bakery, but Alliance Bakery. The charming retro neon sign blinked invitingly,
and the canvas awning proclaimed the availability of macarons, croissants, and
wedding cakes, but it was the sweet, rich smell of sugar and butter mixed with
the aroma of coffee that had Asta pressing her nose against the glass. It had
been a while since she’d walked the streets in this section of town, filling her
senses with what, for her, was forbidden.
She was a bit surprised to see that Alliance was no longer an
old-fashioned Polish bakery, but instead had filled their display window with
an array of colorful French pastries. Éclairs and fruit tarts crowded around
intricate fondant-covered cakes.
And what were those brightly colored round things?
And where was the demon?
Berating herself for her inattention, Asta scanned
the area, breathing a sigh of relief when she realized he was still inside,
broadcasting his energy like a homing signal. She should move, get away from
the door so he didn’t knock her over when he left. That wouldn’t exactly be stealthy. Still . . . all those pastries.
The door opened, and she jumped, hastily moving
aside. He turned, his eyes meeting hers.
Oh shoot.
Busted. But she couldn’t turn away if she’d wanted to. The front of him was even more
entrancing than the back. High
cheekbones with an angular jaw in a tanned face. A sharp nose, its lines softened by a full, generously
curved mouth. His shirt was
unbuttoned at the top, revealing a golden vee of skin. But it was his eyes that held her in
place — gray with flecks of bright silver. A corner of his mouth curved upward in a sardonic smile, as
red lit his eyes with a flash.
AUTHOR Bio and
majoring in English with a concentration in Medieval Literature and Folklore
studies, Debra promptly sold out to the corporate world, occasionally writing
marketing copy and op/ed articles for a local city paper. By day, she designs
compensation programs, after dark she stuffs her nose into obscure mythology,
and feverishly writes her novels. A DEMON BOUND is her debut novel.
lives on a farm in Maryland with Sweetie, three sons, and a Noah's ark of four
legged family members. She drives an old PT Cruiser, couldn't carry a tune if
you duct taped it to her back, and enjoys an occasional cosmopolitan (heavy on
the vodka). On a good day, she jogs and horseback rides, hopefully managing to
keep the horse between herself and the ground. Her only known super power is
'Identify Roadkill'.
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