Monday, December 3, 2018

Song of the Boriccua by Olivia Castillo - Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Song of the Boricua
by Olivia Castillo


GENRE:   Fiction



Puerto Rico an island of contradiction, serves as an enchanting backdrop following three generations of women.

Elena:  Resilient and ambitious, but trapped by duty to her children.
Maria:  Passionate and headstrong, but married to a man she does not love. Josephina: Optimistic and romantic, but in love with an alcoholic.
Isabella: Clairvoyant and spiritual, but denies her heritage and roots.

Like the land these women are held hostage, unfulfilled and unable to find their happiness. Each generation like the land is cursed. Can they defy the powerful bond of the curse and free themselves to find love everlasting?

New Author, Olivia Castillo, like the jibaros of the past weaves a tale of sorrow and joy. Castillos' fiction is timely, offering a glimpse into the islands rich history and offering insight into the story that has plagued women for all of time, the search for true love and acceptance of self.



Bayamón, Puerto Rico, May 1937
During those late-night hours, the old fort was deserted, with the exception of a few amorous couples who embraced in dark corners, not caring if they were seen. From the top of El Morro, she would stare out in awe at the vast, black, beautiful sea, waves breaking along the rocks, stars bright above her.

The melody of the coquí kept her company and she promised herself and God that someday she would finish school. The spirit of her grandmother’s Taino ancestors filled her and she felt at peace, knowing that her grandmother was watching over her. One balmy night as she was coming back from one of these walks, she was startled by a low whistle behind her.

Regretting that she had ignored her mother’s warnings about being out so late, she swiftly removed her shoe to use as a weapon. She spun around to see who the culprit was and what she saw left her speechless.

An older, sophisticated man smiled at her, white teeth flashing in the dim Spanish streetlamp.
He was impeccably groomed, from his black brillian- tine hair and thin, polished mustache down to his shiny black patent-leather shoes. He was dressed in a white suit, with a white fedora cocked down over one eye.

She stood there, dumbfounded. Her experience with men had been limited to her father and a handful of childhood crushes. The man looked her up and down like a cat ready to eat a canary.


I asked Olivia  

Where are five places you might visit for inspiration for your books? 

Here are her answers:

I would visit Eze in South of France, Paris, Tuscany, Morocco, and India.

I love to travel. I have been blessed to visit many amazing and beautiful places in the world. Some of the places that I have had the fortune to visit are Eze, Paris, Tuscany, Morocco, and India. The first three I have visited; the last two are still on my bucket list.

Eze is first on my list because it is one of my favorite places in the world. I visited in 2012 with my husband who at the time was my fiancé. 

We had to climb steps to get to our hotel, the Relais and Chateau. It was high on the cliff and ascending up we went through an old medieval, cobblestone village. The day was exceptionally clear and beautiful. When we got to the top it was breathtaking. It felt like a dream with the crisp air and brilliant azure ocean before us. I would have loved to have lived there for a year and do nothing, but write.

Paris would be my next favorite place. It is one of the most romantic places in the world. The streets are filled with festive Parisians everywhere. The arrondissement, Montmartre, was particularly amazing. Music was everywhere, and artists were busily painting and selling their works.

Tuscany is another inspirational place. I stayed in the beautiful town of San Gimignano in Florence, Italy. If I were to go there to write, every morning I would open my wooden shutters and listen to the church bells ringing.

The other two, Morocco and India, sound breathtaking. I’ve read about the lemon scented nights in Morocco and of course in India there is the most romantic palace in the world, the Taj Mahal--the palace made for love, made in love. How can one not be inspired?

These are all the places that would inspire even the least creative person.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Olivia Castillo is a New York native. After going to the prestigious Fiorello H. Laguardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, she went on to study graphic design at Otis Parson's College in Los Angeles. Along with being an entrepreneur, she is the mother of three children, and grandmother of two. When not writing or spending time with her family, she travels the world and paints. Song of the Boricua is her first novel.

Author website and blog:
Buy on Amazon now:

The book will be on sale for $0.99.


Olivia Castillo will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 


James Robert said...

Always fun to hear about another new book. Thanks for sharing!

kim hansen said...

Love the cover, book sounds good too.

Bernie Wallace said...

Do you have plans to write a sequel to the book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

Olivia Castillo said...

Thank you :)

Olivia Castillo said...

Yes I do. Hopefully out by the summer.

Olivia Castillo said...

Thank you. He is a great artist. Hope you enjoy the book :)