Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crossover (A Cassandra Kresnov Novel) by Joel Shepherd

Science Fiction

I don’t think I have ever started pulling for a book character as fast as I did Cassandra Knesnov in Crossover. Cassandra is a one of a kind synthetic human, built for war but unlike other of her kind equipped with the ability to think, feel and change. She often seems more human than the natural humans. She has innocence’s and joy that are at odds with her creation. Built by the League, she deserts when she discovers the people she has been fighting for arranged to have her team killed because with the war ending synthetic humans were no longer needed. In her own words she explained what she had planned to do after leaving the League and coming over to live in the Federation. “I was going to have a nice job, and a nice apartment, and I’d go out night and see bands, and meet people and make ordinary friends who know all kinds of interesting things. Maybe I’d even get a boyfriend…”. That’s not what happens. She finds herself in the middle of a power struggle and has to choose who and what to help. Her unique abilities make her a terrible enemy or a great addition to any team. This is an action packed story with great characters and a plot full of good and bad people. There is friendship, betrayal, action and adventure all presented in a great well-written plot. Crossover is the first story in a three book series. I have the other 2 on my to be purchased list.

Pyr published the American edition of Crossover by Joel Shepherd in 2009. The series was released in Australia in 2006. The movie rights to Crossover have been purchased and a movie is in the planning.

The books in the series are:


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