Friday, December 3, 2010

Enemy Within by Marcella Burnard

Science Fiction Romance

Marcella was here doing an interview yesterday.  Today I want to highlight Enemy Within.  I think the best way is to quote from the back cover of the book.
“A Starship Captain clinging to her shattered past.  A pirate with an empire to protect and a threat beyond the scope of the imagination. 

After a stint in an alien prison followed by a torpedoed military career, Captain Alexandria Rose – better know as Ari- has to wonder why she even bothered to survive.  Stripped of her command and banished to her father’s scientific expedition to finish a PhD she doesn’t want, Ari never planned to languish quietly behind a desk.   She wasn’t built for it, either.  But when pirates commandeer her father’s shop, Ari once again becomes a prisoner.

Pirate leader Cullin may not be who he pretends to be, but as far as he’s concerned, the same goes for Ari.  Her past imprisonment puts her dead center in Cullin’s sights, and if she hasn’t been brainwashed and returned as a spy, then he’s convinced she must be part of a traitorous alliance endangering billions of lives.  Cullin can’t afford the desire she fires within him, and he’ll stop at nothing, including destroying her, to uncover the truth. “

Enemy Within is very good Space Opera as well as being good Science Fiction Romance.  Like I said before the interview started I couldn’t stop reading but did not want it to end.

Berkley Sensation published Enemy Within by Marcella Burnard in 2010.

I purchased Enemy Within from Borders.

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