Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Birthright: The Book of Man by Mike Resnick

Science Fiction

If you are a Mike Resnick fan you should read Birthright: The Book of Man. Published by Signet in 1982 Birthright is the history of man as he goes out into the galaxy. Each section starts with quotes from Man: Twelve Millennia of Achievement and Origin and History of the Sentient Races. After each quote there is a short story that illustrates that particular place in time. You get to see man in all of his glory and follow him to his eventual end. To quote Mike Resnick this is a “galaxy-and-eons spanning novel”. The novel and its timeline were so popular that the Birthright Universe became the home of most of Mike Resnick’s other novels and short stories.

I have mentioned two of his series set in the Birthright Universe on this blog.
See the post on the Jake Masters Mysteries short stories published on 12/21/2008 and Starship: Rebel on 12/06/2008.

I purchased Birthright: The Book of Man from Fictionwise and read it on my eBookwise reader. The book has been released several times and is still available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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