Sunday, May 10, 2009

White Star by Elizabeth Vaughan

Fantasy and Romance

White Star by Elizabeth Vaughan ( is the second book in her current series. While mention is made of characters from Dragger Star, the first book in the series, White Star can easily stand-alone.

Evelyn, Lady High Priestess has both healing and battle magic. Orrin Blackhart, the Scourge of Palins is a War Leader. The two are from opposing sides and should be sworn enemies. In a changing world they find that they are first drawn together and then working together to stop an enormous evil. The story moves at a fast but believable pace, both the main characters and the supporting characters are well drawn and Elizabeth Vaughn uses humor, drama, romance and magic to keep the story moving. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

Berkley Sensations published White Star in 2009. If you like White Star, be sure to read Dragger Star.

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