Monday, November 28, 2011

Musing Mondays November 28, 2011

 This week’s musing asks…
Will you be buying books for the holidays, this year? If so, for whom, and why?
To Find out what others are saying go to Should Be Reading. 

I won't be buying books but I will be buying Barnes and Noble gift cards.  All of my sons are readers.  Two have Nooks.  Barnes and Noble gift cards are something all three will use.  They are one size fits all.


Amy said...

Great question and even better answer! It's tough buying books for people sometimes, the only person I have figured out so far is my daughter. But she is two, so that's an easy one I guess. :)

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your sons follow in your footsteps with being readers :D my Musing Monday New follower x