I just started reading of Crystal Gardens by Amanda Quick, an ARC from Amazon Vine. This is the first book in The Ladies of Lantern Street trilogy. Here is the opening paragraph.

I am just fifty enjoyable pages into the book and loving every page. Here is what Goodreads has to say about Chrystal Gardens:
Welcome to the sensational new series by Amanda Quick, where the lives of the Victorian gentry are filled with secrets – and secret powers...
Evangeline Ames has rented a country cottage far from the London streets where she was recently attacked. Fascinated by the paranormal energy of nearby Crystal Gardens, she finds pleasure in sneaking past the wall to explore the grounds. And when her life is threatened again, she instinctively goes to the gardens for safety.
Lucas Sebastian has never been one to ignore a lady in danger, even if she is trespassing on his property. Quickly disposing of her would-be assassin, he insists they keep the matter private. There are rumours enough already, about treasure buried under his garden, and occult botanical experiments performed by his uncle – who died of mysterious causes.
With Evangeline's skill for detection, and Lucas's sense of the criminal mind, they soon discover that they have a common enemy. And as the energy emanating from Crystal Gardens intensifies, they realize that to survive they must unearth what has been buried for too long..
This sounds like a really great book! Thanks for the intro....
Here is a link to my Friday Meme Post: http://tinyurl.com/7fe5db9
Hi Jo,
I am not usually one for reading stories of the parnormal, but this one sounds quite an interesting mix and I am quite keen to follow up this book.
Thanks for the introduction and have a good weekend,
I haven't read her books, but they sound tempting.
Thanks for joining me on Book Beginnings!
Rose City Reader
Sounds like an interesting read. I'm just really curious... why, if you are writing under a pen name, would you advertise that on the cover of your book? Especially since her "real" name is written in big bold print above her "pen name." I don't get it.
I love books set in England, and historical is even better. I may have to add this one to my list!
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