What question(s) would you like to see asked in future Musing Mondays posts? I’m running out of ideas, and figured this might be the best way to get some more.
The trick here will be to NOT answer anyone else’s questions just yet! LOL. You are only allowed to share questions, this week, but not answer them. ‘Kay? Go!
Oh Boy! I have been wanting a musing like this. In the April 2012 Smithsonian Magazine there was a article by Neal Stephenson, a Science Fiction author, that said science fiction needs to cheer up. The article is titled Science Friction. No longer does it portray a hopeful future. Instead it is focused on "nihilism and apocalyptic scenarios" and this in turn is affecting the pace of technological innovation. Instead of dreaming of the next great space vessel or findings a way to end the dependence on fossil fuels stories that promise a shattered world fail to inspire a new generation to "get big stuff done." To counter this trend "Stephenson launched the Hieroglyph project to rally writers to infuse science fiction with the kind of optimism that could inspire a new generation..."
After reading the article I started thinking about how many current books fit the description in the article. What really caught my attention was how many YA book had a apocalyptic theme. I then wondered what bloggers would think after reading Science Friction.
So my questions: Do you think that stories that focus on nihilism and apocalyptic scenarios are changing how we look at the future and are having a negative impact on the progress we are making to improve that future? Do authors have a duty to embrace a positive future not a negative one.
Are we allowed to comment on your question because then if mizb uses it, I will have used up all my material
That's a really good one. It'd be fun to answer it :)
Whoa--great Musing!!
WOW great one. Would love musing on an answer.
That is an awesome question! I am jealous of your question. It’s a thinky question and brings up a good point. Does literature affect the population, even perhaps subconsciously? Is the trend in apocalyptic and dystopia fiction influencing our mood? Or is the general downward trend in society the one inducing authors into creating more apocalyptic and dystopia fiction? Chicken or the egg? I hope MizB uses your question soon. I foresee an essay coming on...
Patricia @ Lady with Books
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