My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Yelena and Valek are still in danger and it just keeps getting worse and worse. This is the final book in the Soulfinders trilogy and a lot is wrapped up by the end of the book. All of the side characters play an important part in the story line. Some are out looking for information about the plants that are producing elements that affect people while others are in the cities gathering information. There are so many highs and lows in the book the review would be pages long to list them all. Just be aware that things often look very grim until the very end. I was a little disappointed by the ending. I felt it was a little anti-climatic but it worked. It was the reason for a four rating instead of a five. I received a free copy of Dawn Study in return for an honest review.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Tessa and John did not have much of a marriage so while John was working undercover Tessa went off to discover who she really was and she started a divorce proceeding thinking she would free John. Turns out John did not want to be free. This was a lot about learning about yourself and trusting your partner. Both Tessa and John had a lot to overcome and had to discover who the other really was. A nice romance with several premises that are unusual in romance stories. Both were wonderful characters who pulled at my heart strings and had me pulling for them from the very first page of the book. This was not my first visit to Sanctuary Island and it was good to be back. The next book is out soon and it was easy to see who the next two to find an HEA will be. I received a free copy of Close to Home in return for an honest review.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It was great visiting with Scarlett, Molly, and Jesse again. What is even better is the fact that this is book one in a new series featuring Scarlett and her null power. This is a spin off from a previous series but it has enough information about the world where Scarlett lives to keep you from feeling lost. Molly is at the center of the mystery in Midnight Curse but Scarlett and Jesse are the two who have to work hard to keep things from going out of control. The story moves at at good pace. The side characters add to the story line. There is a satisfying ending with the hook for the next phase in Scarlett, Molly and Jesse's life.
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