Friday, June 30, 2017

Shot and Sweet book reviews # 114 - All In by Susan Hayes, The Day Her Heart Stood Still by Susan Grant, Treyjon by Ruby Lionsdrake

All In (The Drift, #2)All In by Susan Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Toro and Jaeger are left overs from the The Resource Wars. Created to fight they have been given full citizenship status but have yet to find a home where they feel safe. Cinder Armas runs the Nova Club and welcomes cyborgs. This is a familiar theme but Hayes makes it seem fresh and new. This is erotica but with a story line outside the sex. There are some very interesting side characters and the location, The Drift, is very well presented. This is book two, I have not read book one but this held up well as a stand-alone.

The Day Her Heart Stood StillThe Day Her Heart Stood Still by Susan Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A nice take on an alien landing on Earth. Grant mixes a military pilot choosen for the first trip to Mars with a Mother who is a UFO believer and lives in Roswell, New Mexico and an alien that just crashed on Earth.    This is a fun read that mixes what two people want (and wished for) with how to make it come true. Nothing was easy in the story and like many others I would love to see a sequel featuring the two main characters.

Treyjon (Star Guardians, #2)Treyjon by Ruby Lionsdrake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Treyjon features another of the women abducted by pirates from Earth and rescued by the Star Guardians. This time it is Angela and instead of dogs she finds she can train the fearsome svenkars, four-hundred-pound predators. Treyjon is their main trainer and of course he and Angela start to spend time together. There is a lot of danger and tension in this part of the series. Things are not as they seem and a old enemy wants access to Earth and not for any good reason. All of the action in book 2 sets up both the romance between Treyjon and Angela and the plot for book three. It comes out in July and I can't wait to see what happens to the women and the Star Guardians next.

View all my reviews

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Creeps by Ruth Bainbridge - Book Blast and Giveaway

by Ruth Bainbridge


GENRE: Suspense Thriller



June 2017. New York is suffering under the worst heatwave in centuries, but it’s the barrage of grisly murders that has city dwellers on edge. Since the homicides don’t fit a pattern, the NYPD is treating them as unrelated, but Detective Grace Jarrod isn’t so sure. Graffiti left at the crime scenes points to the crimes being linked and part of a rampage.

The delivery of a cryptogram to her precinct proves her theory correct. A group calling themselves CREEPZ takes credit for the deaths and for the war they wage. They promise not to stop until a societal revolution is achieved. Jarrod leads the investigation and goes after the madmen that strike at will and profess to kill for love. Little does she know that the group of homeless drifters is led by a genius who believes himself God.




“It’s the things right under your nose—

the things you don’t notice

—that get you killed.”

  Detective Grace Jarrod, NYPD

The express train thundered down the subway tracks, speeding past the commuters huddled on the platform. The breeze broke the solid wall of heat, giving the crowd on the underground platform some relief from the steam bath they were caught up in.

A sigh rippled through the human herd as they edged away from the mechanical beast clearing the station. When the last car was swallowed up by the darkness of the tunnel, they eased back into position and anticipated the arrival of a local that would stop at the 72nd Street station.

In the commuters’ minds, getting home took precedence over everything, even the colorful graffiti spray painted on the tiled wall. If only they’d divined the signs right before their eyes, they could have prevented a war.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Ruth Bainbridge was born in the idyllic, sleepy town of Ithaca, NY, and has been a lover of mysteries for her entire life. Ever since a child, she’s consumed detective stories at regular intervals, becoming enamored with all the superstars of crime. She loved matching wits with Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Thomas Pitt, Lord Peter Wimsey, Richard Jury and Edward X Delaney. In fact, she was so inspired by their brilliance that she began trying to emulate her writing idol's achievements by composing her own short stories. However, life interfered with her plans of becoming the next hopeful to try a life of crime--on paper at least. But the empty nest syndrome happened and gave her the impetus to return to her first love--murder.

Her works include: THE CURT SAVAGE MYSTERIES (a four-part series that should be read in order); DEADSPEAK, a detective Twin Peaks; and ONLY ONE WILL FALL, the first in THE NICK CROSS MYSTERIES. CREEPZ is her eighth published work. The most intense read of the season, it’s a complex adrenaline rush that’s filled with suspense.

Twitter: @Ruth_Mysteries





Ruth will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour and, (US/CANADA ONLY) Ruth is hosting an EXTRA CONTEST. The prizes are a Kindle Fire HD8 and (5) $10 gift certificates. It's a CRYPTOGRAM CONTEST and all winners will be randomly drawn via rafflecopter.


RAFFLECOPTER CODE for special contest organized by the author

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 113 - Moonshadow by Thea Harrison, Blue Hollow Falls by Donna Kauffman, Branded as Trouble by Delores Fossen

Moonshadow (Moonshadow, #1)Moonshadow by Thea Harrison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I purchased this when it first came out and somehow it ended up near the bottom of my TBR pile. I pulled it out when I saw that the next book in the series would be out next month. I loved the book. When Nikolas encounters Sophie, (the two main characters in the book), just just know sparks are going to fly and they do. That is just part of the plot line. Sophie has a unique ability that Nikolas wants to use to help his people return home after hundreds of years but a unexpected source is working to stop him. A really great start to a new series set in the Elder Races world. This does come to a nice conclusion but it also sets up new backstory and world building. I am so ready for the next book to arrive.

Blue Hollow Falls (Blue Hollow Falls #1)Blue Hollow Falls by Donna Kauffman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In just one day life changes for Sunny (who has three middle names) Goodwin. She goes from having no family to having a new half-sister. I loved the setting. The Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia are full of great views and Kauffman puts them to great use. This is a story about choices and what makes a family. Sunny lives near DC. Her new family and her new love interest live in Blue Hollow Falls, three hours away. There does not seem to be a way for things to work out but never give up is also a big part of the story. There are two great main characters and several interesting side characters who look to have great potential for their own HEA in future books. This one is a keeper on the favorites shelf.

I received a free copy of Blue Hollow Falls in return for an honest review.

Branded as Trouble (Wrangler's Creek, #3)Branded as Trouble by Delores Fossen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Roman Granger, the Granger's bad boy, has finally met his match in Mila Banchini who has had a crush on Roman since their high school days. My favorite scene in the book was between Roman and his 13 year old son, Tate. Tate asked just the right question of Roman who avoids relationship like they are a plague. Roman says he is bad at relationships and Tate asked him how he knows. Just the right question at the right time. The other Granger's make a appearance in the story and at least one other gets an HEA. This had some really great laugh out loud moments while also dealing with some of the very serious issues facing teens today. A very nice addition to the Wrangler Creek series.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Short and Sweet Audio Book Reviews # 112 - Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson, A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers, A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book. It is very strong on character development, backstory, and world building. What it was not strong on was plot. I knew something bad was going to happen when the crew of the Wayfarer took a new job in a dangerous part of space. However that was just a backdrop to learning about the crew and their history. When the danger finally happened it was just a small part of the story line. I started reading this one several times and did not get very far. The audio book works much better and I ended up giving the book 5 stars and voting for it to get the Hugo.

A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers, #2)A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was not at all what I expected. I listened to this right after finishing A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet and expected to meet the crew of the Wayfarer again. What I did meet was the Wayfarer's former AI, now called Sidra, and Pepper a side character from the first book. Again this was strong on character development, world building and back story. The book is divided between Pepper and her story and the AI, Sidra, and her struggle to adjust to life in a body instead of a ship. It took a while for the story to catch me but when it did I had trouble making myself stop listening. An interesting take on a series. I wonder what book three will be and if I will meet the Wayfarer crew again.

Skin Deep (Legion, #2)Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stephen Leeds, AKA “Legion,” is an unusual character. He has so many aspects he can fill an entire book without any help. His aspects are fully formed characters who travel with him and help solve mysteries. They are the most unusual part of the book. It is well know that he has imaginary helpers that travel with him. He goes as far as ordering them food in a restaurant and making sure that they have a seat at the table. This is a fun read as Leeds deals with both real and imaginary characters to solve the mystery of the missing body.

View all my reviews

Monday, June 26, 2017

Harper's Place by Sheryl Winters - Book Blast and Giveaway

Harper’s Place
by Sheryl Winters


GENRE: Romance



Harper Grey is fed up with over-bearing men. Her father wants to sell the family hamburger joint to her brother because a woman could never make it successful.

Harper knows she has the same flair for business as her mother, and sexy Navy SEAL Patrick O’Brien dares her to prove it to the world.

When duty calls and Patrick must leave her side, will Harper be strong enough to make her dream a reality?


“How would you bring in new business, though?”

I’m amazed that he seems to find our conversation interesting. He’s an audience willing to listen and I’ve not had that in a long time. Damn this crush of mine. It won’t be easy to tame after tonight.

“New menu items, specials, things like that. Start serving dessert, like pies. Easy cook items. With the new burgers I’ve created and a new décor, I’d open in the summer when the air is fresh and everyone is happy to be out of the snow, hungry for grilled food. I think we could do fine.”

“What’s your hold up?”

“Tony, Dad. It’s complicated.” I shrug. His arm feels good, and I have the overwhelming urge to nuzzle against it. "Did you kiss Amy Parker when you were twelve? She still brags about it." Did I just ask him about kissing? What is wrong with me? Will this mouth of mine never shut up? Stop it, Stop it, stop it!

"That I did, in a closet over at Robert Anderson’s house."


"I was twelve and desperate. You can't blame me. I do blame that stupid soda bottle.  And your first kiss?" There is a challenge in his voice.

"Kevin Monroe at the Klines Movie Theater. He sent me a six-page note the next day about how much he loved me, and I freaked out and dumped him."

"Any regrets?"

I choke back a giggle. "Naw, ‘cept I remember I liked his cologne. It could have been aftershave, but it was nice." It’s not half as nice as the Aramis that Patrick has on. Something about it sends a shiver up my spine that has nothing to do with the zombie waiting in Dad’s office.

"The dark isn't so bad, now is it?"

"I guess not."

Silence surrounds us. The fear that enveloped me seems to disappear.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"No." It sounds terrible now that I've said it out loud. Like I’m admitting to being a desperate and dateless leper.

"So," he drawls out, "ever thought of dating a military guy?" He squeezes my fingers.

Is he serious?

His fingertip smooths over the rough callouses I've gained from years of hard work. Suddenly my wasted evening of not going out to celebrate is starting to look better. "I think it would depend on which military guy."

"You're killing me. You know that, don’t you?" His strangled tone only sets off a case of the giggles.

"Are you asking me out, Patrick?"

"Trying to, but you're not making it easy.” The challenge is back in his voice.

"I wouldn't mind a date or two,” I manage to squeak out. Breathe, Harper, just breathe, calmly through your nose, out your mouth. Sainted Mother of God, Patrick asked me out! I hit the jackpot! Now all I have to do is not hit him.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I never set out to be an author. Only a storyteller. Some days I succeed better than others.


Buy Links:



Sheryl will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 111 - Breeder by Cara Bristol, The Cowboy's Renegade Bride by Laurie LeClair, Orion by Ruby Lionsdrake

Breeder (Breeder, #1)Breeder by Cara Bristol
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dak and Omra are interesting characters. Omar is not your typical breeder. She was raised differently and in somewhat independent. Dak starts out typical Alpha but soon realizes that he has something special in Omar. There is a lot of sex in the story but also a danger that change brings. A nice start to a new series.

The Cowboy's Renegade Bride (The McCall Brothers Book 2)The Cowboy's Renegade Bride by Laurie LeClair
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jenny Wentworth is back after being left at the alter for the second time. All she wants is a family and children but she has decided to go it on her own. She is through with men. This is a fairly typical story with Sheriff McCall as the man she has always been attracted to. Look for tension and romance as they work toward their HEA.

Orion (Star Guardians, #1)Orion by Ruby Lionsdrake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another take on being captured and taken off Earth. This time it is pirates who capture Earth Women to sell to aliens where they will fight and then get eaten. Not a nice thing to happen. Luckily there is someone planted in the crew who is there to set up the rescue. The rescue happened but the women have not been returned home yet or maybe never. What I liked the most was how humans ended up on multiple planets. Lionsdrake made very good use of mythology to explain how Earth natives, names and gods got scattered around the galaxy. The characters were fun, the danger ever present, and the romance interesting. Book two was released at the same time as Orion so I do not have to wait to see who finds romance next and maybe a clue about returning the women home.

View all my reviews

Friday, June 23, 2017

Transformation by James Gunn - Nerd Blast and Giveaway

James Gunn

Science Fiction

Planets at the edge of the Federation have been falling mysteriously silent. The arrogant and recalcitrant bureaucracy running the Federation grudgingly allows two transcended humans, Riley and Asha, to investigate. They join forces with the Earth's Pedia, a global A.I., along with Tordor, a Dorian representative of the Federation, and Adithya, a member of a splinter group vowing to destroy the Pedia. No one on the team trusts one another.

They must find a common ground and the answer to the planetary silences in order to confront an enemy more ancient than the Transcendentals and more powerful than any Pedia.


EXCERPT - Chapter One

The invasion began a million or more long-cycles ago, but the galaxy is bigger than minds can encompass, and information crawls across interstellar space if it moves at all. The Galactic Federation was slow to recognize the nature of the danger.

The Galactic Federation is a misnomer. It actually occupies only a single spiral arm of the local galaxy that humans call “the Milky Way,” although in recent long-cycles explorations began into the neighboring spiral arm in search of what had become known as the Transcendental Machine. So it is not surprising that the invasion went unnoticed until remote worlds of the Federation began to fall silent, sending out no capsule messages through the network of nexus points that made interstellar travel and communication possible, and failing to acknowledge those sent as routine reports or inquiries.

Finally, bureaucracy stirred and dispatched automated survey ships and, when they did not return, ships staffed with representatives of the various species that made up the Federation. They, too, went missing until, at last, a single damaged vessel appeared in a space monitored by Federation Central and remained motionless where it had materialized from a nexus point. When it was finally reached and boarded, investigators found its crew dead except for a single survivor, the captain.

He was a Dorian and his guttural voice was recorded before he died. “They are all dead, all dead,” he said. It wasn’t clear to his rescuers whether he was referring to his crew or the inhabitants of the planets they surveyed. “We brought them into the ship, thinking they were evidence of what had happened, maybe recordings, our science officer said. But they must have been poisoned. They were sterilized, you know, according to protocol. We did everything by protocol. They swarmed out, unseen but we knew they were there by what happened. The crew went mad, you see. The invisible creatures did that, and the crew turned upon each other as if they were trying to get away. But they couldn’t until they all were dead. All dead.”

The investigators found no evidence in the ship’s automated records about invaders, only recordings of the crew killing each other with their bare hands and anything they could tear away from the ship to use as weapons. The ship had returned only because the captain had programmed instructions to be executed automatically in case of emergency.

Finally Federation Central began to take seriously the possibility that something mysterious and possibly invisible had emerged in the unexplored spiral arms of the galaxy, or had entered the galaxy from somewhere beyond the zone of thinning stars and the beginning of intergalactic space. Three long-cycles later the news reached Riley and Asha and the Pedia at the heart of the human world.

Asha sent a message to Riley: “Get in touch about silent stars. Pedia says invasion is 92.4 percent likely.”

Riley turned to a rejuvenated Jak in his subsurface lunar laboratory. Jak was a mad scientist, who had turned his own clones into agents in the quest for the Transcendental Machine. Riley had entrusted Jak with the matter-transmission process that had led to transcendence. It was an act of blind trust if not even hubris—Jak was a mad scientist but he was Riley’s mad scientist. Now, with a copy of the Transcendental Machine reproduced in Jak’s laboratory, Jak had been his own experimental subject, followed by his daughter Jer, and the process had restored Jak’s health if not his youth. He was still mad, only not as desperate.

The laboratory itself was much as it had been when Riley had told Jak and Jer about the Transcendental Machine and left with them the red sphere that he had discovered on the primitive planet where the Transcendental Machine had stranded him, where dinosaurs had survived or avoided the catastrophes that had destroyed their kind, or their evolutionary equivalents, on other worlds. The red sphere had survived the millennia as well, the only known artifact in this arm of the galaxy of the creatures who had created the Transcendental Machine. Perhaps it held their secrets as well.

But now the laboratory was filled with the machinery of transcendence.

“The Pedia thinks the galaxy has been invaded,” Riley said.

“The Pedia doesn’t think,” Jak said. “It calculates.”

“Its calculations are usually accurate, although limited by a lack of imagination.”
“So—you think there is an invasion?”

Jak shrugged. “That’s a matter of definition. The galaxy is big and vast spiral arms are unexplored, even unapproached, like the ‘terra incognita’ of deepest Africa in the nineteenth century. So who knows what may lurk in the vast unknown, like the culture that created the Transcendental Machine, until it bursts into our sphere of awareness.”
“Your point is that it doesn’t matter whether it is native to our galaxy or from another galaxy?”

Jak shrugged again. He was clearly bored with this line of discussion. He bored easily, when it was not his idea.

“But surely what does matter is whether we are being invaded.”

“We?” Jak said. “It’s the Federation’s problem.”

“But what if the Federation is overmatched?”

“We’ll all be long dead before it affects our little corner of the galaxy,” Jak said. “If it ever does. The galaxy is far bigger and its stars are far more distant from each other than any of us—even me—can imagine. Our system is remote and in an impoverished neighborhood. It might easily be overlooked.”

“And that’s reason enough not to be concerned?”

“The Pedia has to be concerned,” Jak said. “That’s its categorical imperative: the welfare of the human species. That’s what I mean by a lack of imagination. We have other choices. And wasting my limited moments of existence on a possible invasion in the remote future by unknown creatures is not one of them.”

“So you think it’s possible?”

“Oh, I think it’s likely. As I said, the Pedia’s calculations are pretty accurate, and it has greater calculating power than anything this side of Federation Central itself. I just choose not to get involved.”

Riley nodded and made arrangements to return to Earth. He would deal with Jak later.
Copyright © 2017 by James Gunn


“Jim Gunn doesn’t publish a new novel very often, but when he does it’s a whopper. Transcendental is his best yet, and in it he demonstrates his possession of one of the most finely developed skills at world-building (and at aliens-creating to populate those worlds) in science fiction today. Read it!” —Frederik Pohl, bestselling author of Gateway

“James Gunn, after a long, stellar career in science fiction, is a master of the narrative art—as he shows in this Chaucerian pilgrimage through the galactic future.” —Robert Silverberg, bestselling author of Lord Valentine’s Castle

Praise for JAMES GUNN

“Reads more like a collaboration between Heinlein and Asimov. The concept is pure, classic science fiction.” —New York Times Book Review on Star Bridge

“Its characters, at least the protagonists, are drawn with psychological depth. The charm and vividness of Gunn’s prose, plus his deft hand at keeping his plot moving, will keep readers on board through the end. The recent saga of Occupy Wall Street and the other Occupy movements around the country makes many of the events and actors of Kampus feel very current.” —Fantastical Andrew Fox

“One of the very best portrayals of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence ever written.” —Carl Sagan on The Listeners

Add caption

JAMES GUNN is the Hugo Award–winning author of Transcendental, Transgalactic, and The Listeners, and the coauthor, with Jack Williamson, of the classic epic SF novel Star Bridge. He lives in Lawrence, Kansas, where he is professor emeritus of English at the University of Kansas. He is the founding director of the university's Center for the Study of Science Fiction. Gunn is also one of the last living Grandmaster Award winners from the golden age of science fiction.

Photo Credit: SF Center

--Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter

5 Winners will receive a Set of the Trilogy (TRANSCENDENTAL in Trade Paperback, TRANSGALACTIC in Hardcover, and TRANSFORMATION in hardcover).

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hell Holes: What Lurks Below by Donald Firesmith - Book Blast and Giveaway

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 110 - Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins, Loving the Texas Lawman by Charlene Sands, Pew! Pew! by multiple authors

Now That You Mention ItNow That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a good mix of coming home again and romance. The romance takes a back seat to Nora Stuart's adjustment to coming home to Scupper Island after being hit by a car. She has not been back in years and was a very unhappy resident as a child and teenager. I loved the mix of women in the story. Nora's mother is far from being a cuddly person, her niece is going through problems of her own, one new friend does not know the friend ship rules, and a old enemy is still around. The romance is very low key. All in all a nice mix that kept me reading.  I receive a free copy of this book in return for an honest review.  It will not be released until the end of this year.

Loving the Texas Lawman (Forever Texan, #2)Loving the Texas Lawman by Charlene Sands
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A familiar but well done trope is at the heart of Loving the Texas Lawman. Jillian Lane and Sheriff Jack Walker were high school sweetheart until Jillian's mover her to California. He was from a family of lawmen and Jillian was from the wrong side of the tracks. It would never work but now Jillian has built a successful company that is heading for trouble and she needs help. Returning to Texas and asking Jack seemed like a good idea. Of course it all goes wrong before it goes very right. A nice romance with interesting characters and plot.

Pew! Pew!: Sex, Guns, Spaceships... Oh My!Pew! Pew!: Sex, Guns, Spaceships... Oh My! by M.D. Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is exactly what it says it is; Science Fiction stories with a fun twist. In some cases it is the crew, some the situations but in all cases fun. There are nine stories in all. I did not read all at once. It was nice to have something that was entertaining but easy to finish in one setting. I had heard of several of the authors and this was nice way to see their writing style before deciding to try any of their novels.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack - Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

The Fortune Teller
by Gwendolyn Womack


GENRE: Romantic Thriller



Semele Cavnow appraises antiquities for an exclusive Manhattan auction house, deciphering ancient texts―and when she discovers a manuscript written in the time of Cleopatra, she knows it will be the find of her career. Its author tells the story of a priceless tarot deck, now lost to history, but as Semele delves further, she realizes the manuscript is more than it seems. Both a memoir and a prophecy, it appears to be the work of a powerful seer, describing devastating wars and natural disasters in detail thousands of years before they occurred.

The more she reads, the more the manuscript begins to affect Semele’s life. But what happened to the tarot deck? As the mystery of her connection to its story deepens, Semele can’t shake the feeling that she’s being followed. Only one person can help her make sense of it all: her client, Theo Bossard. Yet Theo is arrogant and elusive, concealing secrets of his own, and there’s more to Semele’s desire to speak with him than she would like to admit. Can Semele even trust him?

The auction date is swiftly approaching, and someone wants to interfere―someone who knows the cards exist, and that the Bossard manuscript is tied to her. Semele realizes it’s up to her to stop them: the manuscript holds the key to a two-thousand-year-old secret, a secret someone will do anything to possess.



To my reader: I can see what time you live in, and I feel your eyes upon me. We are from different eras, you and I, and by the time you are reading these words, my ancient world will have long been buried. I am one you call a seer—someone who can divine the future and divine it well.

The power of intuition will have ebbed in your time, so you may not believe this story, or worse, think it a fable. But I assure you, my tale is true. I will begin by telling you about my life before, when I was a girl in Alexandria, Egypt.

In my youth, I did not know I had the sight. Only at certain times did the faintest glimpses of what was to come strike me like glimmers of light. Suddenly, I could see when the rains would come, whether my brother would marry, if my father would buy me the wesekh collar from the market. This kind of simple knowledge would present itself, but for the most part, I thought nothing of these inklings.

Copyright © 2017 by Gwendolyn Womack. All rights reserved.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Gwendolyn Womack is the author of the RWA Prism award winning novel The Memory Painter. She writes metaphysical thrillers and love stories that travel history, exploring divination, reincarnation, magic, and time travel. She lives in Los Angeles with her family and is currently working on her third novel.

Buy Links for The Fortune Teller:


Barnes & Noble



Independent Bookstores



Gwendolyn will be awarding Exploring Tarot Using Radiant Rider-waite Tarot: Deck & Book Set  (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour:

June 5Notes From a Romantic's Heart
June 6It's Raining Books
June 7Books, Dreams,Life
June 8Christine Young
June 9EskieMama and Dragon Lady Reads
June 12Lampshade Reader
June 12Sharing Links and Wisdom
June 13fuonlyknew
June 14Romance Novel Giveaways
June 15Celticlady's Reviews
June 16Deal Sharing Aunt
June 19Two Ends of the Pen
June 20The Bookworm Chronicles
June 21Mixed Book Bag
June 21Booklove
June 22Hearts and Scribbles
June 23Independent Authors
June 26Long and Short Reviews
June 27Jazzy Book Reviews
June 28Nickie's Views and Interviews
June 28Random Thoughts From a Tech Nerd
June 29Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews
June 30Danita Minnis