"I should just let him die."
This is the beginning of The Seer a Science Fiction Romance by Ariel MacArran.
Here is what Goodreads says about the book.
means death but Arissa risks everything to save Fleet officer Jolar's life.
Repaying this telepath means saving her from execution and Jolar strikes a
bargain that will spare her life. In return, Arissa must join him on a
dangerous mission and use her telepathic abilities to help him uncover hidden
forces that threaten the Tellaran Realm.
Jolar will do whatever it takes to
clear his life debt to Arissa. The only thing he absolutely cannot let himself
do is fall in love with her."
Ooh this one sounds good! What a pretty cover too!
My Post
Very intriguing. I would pick it up..
Here is my Book Beginning post!
That is a rather interesting way of beginning a novel but it definitely captures your attention right away! And I agree with Vonnie, the cover is amazing! Thanks for stopping by :) I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Juli @ Universe in Words
Great, dramatic first line. Hope you enjoy the book!
That's a dramatic beginning! I'd definitely read more.
Here's the link to my Friday post: WILD.
Science Fiction Romance is one of my favorite genres. I will have to check this one out. I'll be looking forward to your review. Great Book beginnings share.
Love ScFi Romance and that is quite an opening. I will have to check this book out :)
Hope you enjoy it!
here's my post
-Manderz @ Escaping Reality Within Pages
I always love stories with telepathy or other paranormal abilities. This sounds like a good book! =)
Hmmm…I've been looking for a new romance~
Thanks for visiting my blog!
WOW I'm so impressed with your 2013 Goodreads challenge! You are da bomb dot com!
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