Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breath of Life by Christine Pope

Science Fiction Romance

Breath of Life is the re-telling of Beauty and the Beast using a Science Fiction background.  I have read several books recently where story line of a fairy tales is used.  Some like Cinder take that tale and give it an unexpected twist.  Others just use part of the premise in the story.  Breath of Life does neither of those.  Christine Pope uses all of the main points in Beauty and the Beast in Breath of Life.  The location is what makes it Science Fiction.   Breath of Life takes place on Lathvin IV, a planet settled by two different races, humans and the Zhore.  The planet was still in the autmosphere-building stages and the life of the homesteaders was hard.

Anika’s family was one of those homesteaders.  One of the Zhore was their nearest neighbor.  Everything changed when Anika’s Father is late coming home.  From there you can guess the rest of the story.  The facts are the same only the location has changed.
I enjoyed reading Breath of Life.  It is novella length and there were no surprises.  The writing was good and the two main characters were well developed.  If you are looking for a light SFR story try Breath of Life.

Dark Valentine Press published Breath of Life by Christine Pope in 2011.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Sounds good. Glad you enjoyed it.