Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kris Longknife: Tenacious (Kris Longknife #12) by Mike Shepherd

Science Fiction/Space Opera

From Goodreads:

There’s no rest for a Longknife—even if you’re a newlywed. Vice Admiral Kris Longknife’s honeymoon gets cancelled when she hears that the space raider’s home world may have been discovered. Finding where the raiders came from could be the key to saving humanity. If only uncovering their secrets was that easy…

As Kris returns home, she ends up tangling with a mutinous crew determined to take off on their own. The dissident group leads Kris straight into a new mess—a system filled with strange, deadly enemies poised to wipe another sentient civilization out of existence. Kris and her squadron are ready to prevent total annihilation, but the mutineers have other plans.

Once again Shepherd has put Kris in more than one dangerous situation.  You would think this would get old but each time there is a new twist and Kris and crew have to find a way to keep everyone alive and ready for the next challenge.

I love the characters in the Longknife series.  Nelly the computer keeps everyone in line even as she develops a more human personality.  Kris and Jack are very much newlyweds.  Their sex life is portrayed the old fashion way.  You know it is going to happen and then you know it has happened but you don’t have to witness the event.  Thank you Mike Shepherd.  There is a new alien race and this is one I really love.  They are descended from felines and women rule the world.  For cat lovers like me they are a big hit.

Some things are solved; some things are still hanging so there will be more of Kris and her crew.  According to the note at the end of the book Kris Longknife: Relentless is already being written.

I love the series the next book will go on pre-0rder as have all the rest.

ACE published Kris Longknife:Tenacious by Mike Shepherd in 2014.

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