I'm linking up with Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings and Freda's Voice for Page 56. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Pick the closest book on your book stack and join the fun.

This is a two for one this week. I love B.J Daniels books and this Christmas she released a double book. The first one is Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene the last book in the Cardwell ranch series. The second is Secret of Deadman's Coulee the first book in the Whitehorse series that she started in 2007. She is planning to go back to the Whitehorse series this year and as I had not read this one I purchased the book even though I had an ARC of Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene.
The Beginning:
From Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene: "DJ Justice opened the door to her apartment and froze. Nothing looked out of place and yet she took a step back. Her gaze went to the lock. There were scratches around the keyhole. The lock set was one of the first things she'd replaced when she'd rented the apartment."
From Secret of Deadman's Coulee: "A grouse burst from the sagebrush in an explosion of wings. Eve Baily brought her horse up short, heart jammed in her throat and, for the first time, was aware of just how far she'd ridden from the ranch."
Page 56:
From Cardwell Christmas Crime Scene: "The drive was breathtaking, especially for DJ, who's never been in the mountains before-let alone in winter."
From Secret of Deadman's Coulee: "He did not want to leave the crime scene, but he had no choice. After all, the plane had apparently been here for thirty-two years. What was another day?"
The excerpts suggest a "heart in your throat" kind of suspense...and I like the sound of the books.
Here's mine:
I would never grab this looking at the cover, but your excerpts have got my attention.
sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes
Both stories sound good! Happy weekend!
Well, both of these sound good! Happy reading:)
My Friday 56 from 77 Shadow Street
Wow! I love the cover of this book!
Here’s my Friday 56!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
This author is really popular at my library! :)
Lauren @ Always Me
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