Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Ribbon of Light by Claire Yezbak Fadden - Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Claire Yezbak Fadden will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Julie Rafferty’s life-long dream is within her grasp. But just as the toy company she founded verges on becoming a multi-million-dollar enterprise, her husband abandons their marriage.

Trevor had no choice but to walk away from Julie. How else could he show his wife that the business was her priority, not him and their three children? His drastic stunt backfires though, jeopardizing the family business and seemingly pushes Julie into the arms of a younger man.

Just when Julie and Trevor find their way back to each other, a ruthless competitor escalates a bogus lawsuit. Together they plot to reclaim control of the toy company, only to uncover a shattering betrayal that puts them in unimaginable danger.

Can they overcome their dreadful mistake and reclaim the passion, trust and commitment that once drew them together? Or will the greed of an evil man irreparably destroy everything they hold dear?

Read an excerpt

Julie gazed around the gymnasium, hoping for a sign of Trevor. During the timeouts, she spied Jason’s blue eyes scanning the stands, searching for his father, too. His broad shoulders and solid frame reminded her of a young Trevor. Her firstborn, a full head taller than most of his teammates, knocked hard on the door to manhood, seemingly overnight.

Trevor was staying away on purpose, she realized, her eyes misting over. His way of getting even because she was leaving on a business trip.

“Hey.” A familiar hand touched Julie’s shoulder, causing an electrifying charge to pulse through her body.

“I was wondering if you were going to show up,” she said with more bitterness than she meant.

She was relieved to see Trevor. She wanted to be near him, touch his face, hold hands like they used to. Instead, she made a snarky comment, driving another wedge between them. Seemed like inflicting hurt and pain became the goal of every conversation they shared recently. Somehow their loving, supportive relationship had turned spiteful and vindictive.

Julie couldn’t put her finger on when things changed, but she knew why. Trevor never understood her need to stand on her own two feet and take pride in something she created. He would never understand how her company gave her a sense of security he never could.

She moved her jacket to make room for him. Instead, he squeezed in between the girls. “Don’t start with me. I work too, you know. I got here as soon as I could.”

“Jason went on a scoring run. He has twelve points, eight from free throws.” Julie allowed her pride to slip out.

“Guess all that time you spent in the driveway teaching him how to draw a foul paid off.”

“Someone has got to be home with our kids,” Trevor said, his words dripping with judgment.

“Nicole, Emily. Go wash that sauce off your hands,” Julie ordered.

“I can just lick them clean,” Emily said.

Nicole stood. “Come on, Em. Let’s go. I think they’re going to fight again and Mom doesn’t want us to hear.”

“We’re not fighting,” Trevor said. “Just go wash your hands like your mother asked.”

She watched the girls head toward the bathrooms.

“They’re right, you know. All we do anymore is argue.”

“Not true. You’re not at home long enough. I can’t believe you have another week-long business trip.”

“I have a commitment to the company and the people who work there,” Julie said in hushed tones. “If you can’t or won’t accept that, then there is nothing I can do to make things better between us.”

About the Author:When she’s not playing with her granddaughters, Pennsylvania native Claire Yezbak Fadden is writing contemporary women’s fiction. Her books feature strong women who overcome life’s challenges, always putting their families first.

There's a special spot in Claire's heart for carousel horses – quite possibly the result of watching “Mary Poppins” 13 times as a young girl. She loves butterflies, ladybugs and confetti! Just ask anyone who's received a birthday card from her.

The mother of three lives in Orange County, California with her husband, Nick and three spoiled dogs.

Claire’s work as an award-winning journalist, humor columnist and editor has appeared in more than 100 publications across the United States, Canada and Australia. Ribbon of Light is the third novel in her Begin Again series. 

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Gun Kiss by Khaled Talaib - Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Gun Kiss
by Khaled Talib


GENRE:   Thriller



The United States media is abuzz with news of the mysterious disappearance of Hollywood movie star, Goldie St. Helen.

Ex-Delta Force Blake Deco receives a tip from a Mexican friend that a drug lord, obsessed with the beautiful actress, is holding her captive in Tijuana.

With the help of a reluctant army friend, Blake mounts a daring rescue.

What he doesn’t expect is to have feelings for Goldie—or that a killer is hunting them.



Clad in tactical black, Blake rested on his chest in the dark chaparral. He watched his curly-haired friend beside him maneuver the tiny dragonfly drone with his phone. The luminous screen showed its flight path toward Dai Lo’s hacienda in the northeastern outskirts of Tijuana, nothing around it for miles. 

The drone sent back images of the 375,000 square feet compound, including some of Dai Lo's men patrolling. It hovered in front of the three-floor mansion built with stacked balconies and double-hung windows. It then swooped down to a porch with three tall columns under a pediment. Finding no entry point, Jack raised it up again. 

“I’m going to circle behind,” Jack said. 

“Do that,” Blake responded. 

“You going to kill Dai Lo?” Jack asked.

“Not unless I have to. I’m not an assassin,” Blake said. 

“So why did you give Chavez the impression you will?”

“If Chavez knew what I was thinking, he wouldn’t give me the weapons. Then how are we going to save the actress?”

“You better know what you’re doing, Blake.”

“If you still want to go on that European tour, start thinking positive.” 

The tiny drone went around the mansion and flew past a lit pool, buffeting over a garden and an annex connected by a sheltered catwalk. It moved sideways until it came to a lit corner window on the third level. The visual zoomed closer to the windowsill and sent back an image that left both men recoiling with gasps.


Read Here for Five Place  Khaled Talib might visit for inspiration for his books.

It’s been a while since I visited London, and I dare say it’s one of those places that offers the perfect setting for a thriller.  In my thriller, Incognito,  the protagonist Ayden Tanner is a Briton.  So, I could explore a sequel. I have, in fact, been asked to write a sequel, and if I had a choice, it would be London. The dark clouds and the rain have room for sinister activities.  
Provence, France
Having watched Ridley Scott’s movie A Good Year, I was fascinated with Provence in France.  The movie is based on Peter Mayle’s novel of the same name. The author has also written several crime novels, so I’d like to see what I can pluck over there apart from grapes. If I could visit a French castle or two to include in my next  thriller, that would be great.  
Chinatown, San Francisco
Big Trouble in Little Chinais one of those movies that I never get bored watching it again and again. It would be interesting to recce Chinatown to see what I can come up with. Obviously, Lo Pan and friends are not going to be there, but one could always be inspired to write an action fantasy novel of a different kind. In fact, I’ve been seriously thinking about it as I plan to write a sequel for my latest thriller, Gun Kiss. I sure want the protagonist, Blake Deco and his new bride and famous movie star, Goldie St. Helen to come back.  
The River Nile, Egypt
I used to live in Cairo, Egypt where I worked as a magazine writer. The Nile is a mysterious place, and it’s not surprising why many authors and movie makers have featured it in their stories. Spending three days on a felucca or a boat would not only be an exotic experience but a thrilling one. The trip could inspire a thriller, a murder-mystery or even a love story. Who knows? If I’m lucky, I might get myself embroiled in an adventure with grave diggers!

The Orient Express
I’ve said it often and I’ll say it again —there’s room for another murder on The Orient Express. In my second thriller novel, Incognito, I had a few scenes taking place on a train between Switzerland and Italy. I enjoyed writing those scenes. If I could, I’d like to go on the longest trip they have that begins from Istanbul or ends there. So cozy. Chug, chug, chug.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Khaled Talib is a former journalist with local and international exposure. He has authored three thrillers since 2014. 
The author's works have been praised by NY Times bestselling author Gayle Lynds, NY Times bestselling author Ruth Harris, USA Today bestselling author Jon Land, NY Times bestselling author Keith Thomson, K.J. Howe, and Jon McGoran.
His debut thriller, Smokescreen, was listed as one of the six "boundary-breaking indies" in 2016 by the IndieReader. His second novel, Incognito, won the Silver Award for the AuthorsDB Book Cover Contest 2017. Gun Kiss is his third novel.
Khaled, who is also a member of the International Thriller Writers, resides in Singapore.
Author Facebook account:
Gun Kiss (YouTube) Book Trailer:

GUN KISS Buy links: 
The book will be on sale for only $0.99.
Author website direct:
Amazon Kindle 



Khaled Talib will be awarding a Amazon Fire 7 8GB tablet to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. The prize is limited to U.S. and Canada only.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Short and Sweet Book Review and Excerpt from Archangel's Prophecy Out Today

Archangel's Prophecy (Guild Hunter, #11)
Archangel's Prophecy by Nalini Singh

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is primarily Elena's story as we follow her as she gradually comes to love her fight to stay immortal.. Wrapped up in the story is the world building and back story for the next book. Do not expect to find out what and why things are happening. Just go with the flow and say what I did at the end of the book.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

By Nalini Singh

Illium turned in a direction that would take them to the Catskills if they kept on going.

Sweeping closer to him, she said, “You just want to fly?”

Hair rippling in the quiet but cutting wind, he twisted down in a complicated fall before flying back up to her side. She laughed at his showing off. Thatwas Illium. An angel of violent power who had a heart that might almost be mortal. And, these days, she could appreciate his tricks again. Not a single angel in the city had been ready to witness his acrobatics in the immediate aftermath of the day he’d crashed out of the sky.

Elena would never forget her screaming fear.

To his credit, Illium had flown with absolute discretion for months, letting the memory dull and fade.

When he returned to her side today, his face was flushed, the gold of his eyes rich. “Sky’s too beautiful to shut ourselves away in a club.”

“Just don’t forget I’m not as fast as you. Also, I’m currently lame.”
Illium lifted one cupped hand close to his shoulder, the other moving back and forth . . . and she realized he was playing a tiny violin in response to her morose tone.

“Crossbow, Bluebell.” Narrowed eyes. “Remember the crossbow.”
He dived, his wicked laughter floating up on the night air. Lips twitching, Elena continued to glide, letting the air currents sweep her along with cold but gentle hands. Illium, meanwhile, flew circles around her—but he never went far, always close enough to halt her descent should she tumble.

She landed a number of times to rest her wings, once in an isolated park whispering and dark. A luminescent insect appeared then disappeared from sight before she could truly see it, an earthbound star. The ghostly owl sitting on a tree branch watched her with eyes even more luminous.

A sigh deep in her mind, an old, oldpresence restless in Sleep.
The hairs rose on her arms.

Then Illium shot them both up into the sky again, and together, they flew far beyond the diamond-bright skyline of the city and over the sleeping homes of ordinary people who lived in a world of vampires and angels, blood and immortality.

Another rest stop for Elena.

Another throb of pain from the cut on her forearm.

Another watchful owl, this one landing on Illium’s shoulder without his knowledge. Ashwini had told her not to be afraid of the owls, so Elena ignored the goose bumps and said, Hello, with her mind. A good night to fly.

A vein began to throb at her temple.

The answer came a long time later, after they were in the air again, the glow of the sinkhole visible from the distance.

It has been an eon since I flew.

Posted by arrangement with Berkley, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright © Nalini Singh, 2018.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Sweetest October by Megan Slayer - Book Blast and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Megan Slayer will be awarding a prize pack featuring a necklace made by the author and a signed swag pack to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Love and Halloween are an odd couple, but they can be the best means to heal a broken heart.

Allison Prince never planned on leaving her job with the Waite Gazette, but when the chance to discover her past comes along, she can’t say no. She’s determined to learn about her grandmother and make the advice in her column more relatable. With her rescue dog, Woofy, beside her, she sets out to learn as much as she can about Hallowsville, Ohio.

Erik Greene doesn’t believe in love and isn’t fond of Halloween. He’s convinced his broken heart won’t heal—until he meets Allison and visits the local animal shelter. He doesn’t want a journalist snooping around Hallowsville. But Allison isn’t all she seems and the pup at the shelter proves love is possible.

Can he open his heart to new opportunities and chase the love of his life? Or is he destined to be the Dandy Devil of Hallowsville all alone?

Read an Excerpt:

©2018 Megan Slayer, All Rights Reserved

“I knew about you long before your emails, even if I didn’t realize I did.”

“Erik?” He had to have said something. He hated her.

“Mr. Surly?” Delilah laughed and shook her head. “No.”

“Does he ever smile?” She toyed with the class covering the counter. “Or would that break his face?”

“He’s good at distant.”

“Too bad. He’s cute.” She hadn’t wanted to blurt that out. “But petulant.”

Delilah’s brows rose and she stopped laughing. “Remember the cute comment when you’ve fallen in love with him and he doesn’t return your feelings. Trust me. He’s cute, but he’s a handful very few women want to take on.”

“He can be all the cute he wants. I can tell you he won’t make a move.”

“Why wouldn’t he ask you out?” Delilah asked. “You’re adorable. It runs in the family, you know. We’re all adorable.”

“Compared to you and the other women I’ve seen, I’m nothing great. I’m short, curvy and not perfect,” Allie said. She knew her limits. Her exes liked to remind her as to where she could improve. Erik would be the same. “Why aren’t you with him? Or are you? You make a handsome couple.”

“Erik? No.” Delilah rewrapped a spool of ribbon around the cardboard. “He’s not my type, but I’ve dated him. It was a disaster.” She tapped the spool on the counter. “You’re more his type.”

“No thanks.” She refused to even try when she had the feeling she’d be shot down on the first date.

“Well, don’t think you’ll cure him. He’s beyond help.”

“I don’t know what you mean, but I won’t.”

“Remember that.”

“I’m not looking to date anyone. I dumped my boyfriend right before I left because I found out he’d cheated on me. I don’t have time to go through that again. Plus, once the month-long trip down memory lane is over, I’m back at the Gazette.” So she’d slipped and said she was home. So what? The word change was a simple goof-up. Nothing more.

“We don’t have a paper here in Hallowsville,” Delilah said.

“Okay?” She didn’t understand. “You share one with the next town over? The county?”

“Nope.” Delilah put the ribbon down. “You are an Astor. You’ve got the right to stick around and since you’re in the newspaper business, you’d know how to run one. Why not stay a while after the month and give us a newspaper? There’s still a press and once people found out we had a paper again, you’d have business.”

“I write columns, not oversee publications.” Running a newspaper? Half the time she struggled with balancing her checkbook. The thought of accounts, advertising, stories…she’d sink in weeks.

“You helped run the student paper in college.”

“It was a free paper and mostly used by the students to line bird cages and for house-breaking dogs.” Her heart sank. “I don’t know anything about the day-to-day operations of a paper.”

“It’s not like you’d be running it alone.” Delilah left her stool and retrieved three spools of ribbon from the other end of the counter. “Hallowsville is a remarkable place. When we see a need, we find a way to fill it and come together while doing so. You might be better at running the paper than you think.”

“Delilah.” No matter what she said, she wouldn’t change her cousin’s mind.

“I hope you rethink the paper, but I really hope you stick to your gut feeling concerning Erik.”

About the Author:
Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here: .

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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 310 - Ten Thousand Thunders by Brian Trent, The Billionaire Bull Rider by Kate Pearce

Ten Thousand ThundersTen Thousand Thunders by Brian Trent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author says "Ten Tousand Thunders tells the story of a future directly threatened by its past. It also sets the stage for short fiction he has published that is set along a timeline. This is the start. I found it interesting. Filled with different characters who work together and at cross purposes the story is fast paced and filled with tension. The end left a big question and I wonder if that short fiction will turn into a series. I did think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read some of that short fiction.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

The Billionaire Bull Rider (Morgan Ranch)The Billionaire Bull Rider by Kate Pearce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was fun being around the Morgan's again. Rio Martinez is not a Morgan but is helping out at the ranch teaching bull riding classes. That brings him around Yvonne Payet, the baker from previous stories. Both have trust issues so the romance is a slow burn. Both have to change and it is fun to watch them tackle difficult issues from their past. A nice addition to the series.

View all my reviews