Sunday, October 21, 2018

Short and Sweet Book Reviews # 308 - An Easy Death by Charlaine Harris, TimTur: The Teacher's Alien Healer by Veronica Scott

An Easy Death (Gunnie Rose, #1)An Easy Death by Charlaine Harris
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First in a new series by Charlaine Harris and a very good start. Lizbeth Rose is a gunnie, one who makes her living protecting others. As the gunnie suggests she is a excellent shot and is often called on to kill to projects. She lives in a US that has broken up into many individual areas. The breaking point from our history is the death of FDR before he became president. This is filled with danger and tension as well as secrets. The plot revolves around the job Lizbeth takes looking for people with a specific blood type. This tells a hard to put down story as it fills in the backstory, character development and world building needed for a series. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

Timtur: The Teacher's Alien Healer (In the Stars; Badari Warriors, #5)Timtur: The Teacher's Alien Healer by Veronica Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lily and Timtur have been friends since Lily was rescued. Everyone knows they are mates but the two are dancing around any commitment. A great set up for the next book in the Badari Warriors series. This situation puts Lily in danger and brings out some secrets among the Badari. Lily must be recused and a secret must be taken care of. A lot of tension and some soul searching on both Lily and Timtur's part. As everything is brought into the open and the danger taken care of there is a very nice HEA for the two.

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