Sunday, July 25, 2010

Other Books I Have Enjoyed This Month

We are having a lot of hot weather this month and I have been in the house catching up on some of my reading. Here are a few more of the book I have enjoyed this month.

Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre was on my eBook TBR shelf. This is the third book in the Sirantha Jax series. Doubleblind is a great read, filled with tension, and frustrated romance. While one problem is solved anther pops up at the end. Sirantha’s adventures are not ended.

Recycled Hero by R.L. Wayman is an old-fashioned space opera. Aliens crash on Earth and the hero saves the day. While predictable it is a very enjoyable read. Recycled Hero is an eBook from Fictionwise.

Pleasure Dome by L.F. Hampton is another eBook from Fictionwise. I re-read the book after it kept showing up on my Amazon recommendations. This is a Science Fiction Romance that started with more promise than it actually produced. It still was worth reading.

I picked up Crimson Rogue by Liz Maverick for 1.25 at a Dollar General Store and it has been sitting on my TBR shelf. I have read several of the Crimson books and Crimson Rogue is a good addition to the series. Even though it has been some time since I read the last Crimson book I had no trouble keeping up with the story.

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