Friday, July 1, 2011

Borealis Book Two by Stephanie Burkhart, Esther Mitchell and Shea McMaster

Science Fiction Romance

Borealis Space Station “ is a hive of villainy where anything can be bought or sold –anything or anyone – if the price is right.”  That makes it a great setting for stories.  Borealis is under the control of the Trans Planetary Protectorate (TTP) and The Rebellion is active on and around the station. Borealis Book Two contains three more SFR novellas set on the station.  Each story can stand-alone but there are characters and events that repeat.  I would read the stories in order for maximum enjoyment.  

All of the stories are well written, have action, romance and additional world building.  My favorite in Borealis II was the last story, Bleu Lies by Shea McMaster.  Commander Kal Rains has begun to question his work for the TTP.  Then he meets Summer Merriweather and he must choose between Summer and the Rebellion or TTP.  Blue Lies is also the longest story in Borealis II. 

I mentioned this when I recommended Borealis I and I just thought it was worth pointing out again.   While there is romance in all the stories there is very little sex.  I don’t know about anyone else but I am tired of pages and pages of sex that do not add to the story.  I just skim those sections so having everything written so it relates to the story is great.

On a Yahoo group I belong to someone asked for recommendation for good SFR books and I recommended the Borealis books.  It turns out the person who asked is the author of one of the stories in Borealis I.  She got a good laugh and mentioned that she had just turned in a story for Borealis III

Desert Breeze published Borealis Book Two by Stephanie Burkhart, Esther Mitchell and Shea McMaster in 2011.

I purchased Borealis Book Two.

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