Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SMR Publication Sale

Steve Miller and Sharon Lee of SMR Publication and authors of the Liaden Books are holding a sale. SMR has been located in the basement of Steve and Sharon’s home. SMR is moving and will have its own office and location. This means moving all the book cartons opened and unopened from the basement to the new location. A book that is sold does not have to be moved, therefore the sale. Between now and November 7th or until the move is finished Steve and Sharon are offering 20% off on all titles. To get the discount just put openbox in the coupon box on the order form. I ordered copies of the Liaden Universe Companion, Volume 1 and Liaden Universe Companion, Volume 2. Having the companion books will make it easier to find and read my favorite stories from the Chapbooks. If you have never read any of the Liad books this would be a good time to order one. Be prepared to be hooked. These are some of my favorite comfort books (books to read and reread). If you are a fan this is a good way to get missing books to add to your collection. Go to smrpublisher.com to order.

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