Sunday, May 16, 2010

Destiny’s Star by Elizabeth Vaughn


Destiny’s Star is Bethal and Ezren Silvertongue’s story. When Ezren’s wild magic flares out of control Bethal takes both through a portal opened by Evelyn. They both fall from the sky onto the Plains. Here in this harsh and unforgiving land they must fight to survive, find a way to control Ezren’s wild magic before it kills him and return to their home in Palins. Add in the need to confront their feeling for each other and you have an entertaining story.

Destiny’s Star is a good addition to the world Elizabeth Vaughn has created in War Prize and White Star. You can read it as a stand-alone but it would be best to read the War Prize series, White Star and Dagger Star first.

Berkley Sensation published Destiny’s Star by Elizabeth Vaughn in 2010.

I purchased Destiny’s Star at Borders.

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