Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander


A Fatal Waltz is the third book in the Lady Emily mystery series. The series is set in the late 19th century and the politics of the era are skillfully woven into the books.

Everything starts when Lady Emily is the guest of Lord Fortescue, an influential political figure with many powerful enemies. He objects very strongly to Colin and Emily getting married and is working hard at preventing the wedding. While Colin and Emily are there Lord Fortescue is murdered and Robert, the husband of Emily’s friend Ivy, is arrested and charged with the murder.

Robert asks Emily to help clear him of the charges. Emily must travel to Vienna in search of answers. There she becomes involved in the internal politics of the day meeting men who are both dangerous and violent. When Emily’s life is put in danger she has to flee back to England without finding the answers she needs to help Robert. While the murder does have ties to Vienna on returning to England Emily finds the answer in an unexpected place.

In addition, there are some interesting side stories going on. Emily’s butler Davis is still courting long distance, Emily has to deal with a past love of Colin’s, and Jeremy is lovelorn. All the side plots add richness to the story.

A Fatal Waltz has wonderful character development, an intense plot, good pacing, and an intriguing mystery. I continue to enjoy the series and am looking forward to reading the next book Tears of Pearl.

William Morrow published A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander in 2008.

I checked A Fatal Waltz out at the Rogers Public Library.

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