Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The River of Shadows by Robert Redick


The River of ShadowsThe River of Shadows is the third book in the Chathrand Voyage series.  I have been following the series since it began and when I got the chance to get an advanced copy through the Vine program I jumped at opportunity.  I recommend reading the series from the first as each book has additional world building and each book adds characters.  In The River of Shadows I saw small glimpses of characters from the previous books and I would not have understood who they were or what they were doing if I had not read the previous books.  All of the previous characters are also there and still in the thick of the action. 

Robert V.S. Redick’s world building is very complex.  It is also filled with a growing cast of characters.  I found that I had to read the book in small bites instead of just one continuous read.   If I did that I had time to for the action to settle and it was much easier to keep up with everything that was happening.  If I rushed I missed something of importance and had to go back or be lost.  The story does not end with this book.  A fourth book will be published in 2012.

My one complaint with the book is that at least one interaction between the main characters did not make sense but was used to move the plot forward.  I don’t like spoilers so I will leave it to you to see if it was as jarring to you as it was to me.

I received The River of Shadows free through the Amazon Vine Program.

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