Science Fiction Romance
I love Alien Tango by Gini Koch. I don’t want to give away any of the plot but look at the following teaser questions and then read Alien Tango to find the answers.
Does Kitty win over Jeff’s parents?
Can anyone or anything come between Jeff and Kitty?
What is Chuckie’s big secret or should that be what are Chuckie’s big secrets?
What came home with the 3 astronauts?
Does A-C policy on mixed marriage change?
What music helps Kitty concentrate?
How does an alligator figure in a SFR book?
Can a character go from evil to good in a few pages?
How many former boyfriends does Kitty have?
Those are just a few of the interesting questions that are answered in Alien Tango.
Gini Koch has written another fun adventure filled with imaginative problems for Kitty and Jeff. Katherine “Kitty” Katt continuers to be a take-charge heroin who is the first to know what is happening and always knows the best way handle each situation. Jeff is still a hunk who allows Kitty to be herself. Jeff and Kitty are still on a new and exciting journey that does not end with Alien Tango. Look for Alien in the Family in April of 2011.
Gini was here on December 9th to do a interview. If you missed it click here on Gini's name to hear what she had to say.
I purchased Alien Tango from Borders.
As the saying goes “The best laid plans of mice and men often go..”. My recommendation of Alien Tango certainly suffered that fate. I pre-ordered from Borders who said they shipped the book on December 6th. I kept waiting and checking my mailbox but Alien Tango did not arrive so I checked the tracking information. There was no record that the book had been picked up much less shipped. I emailed Borders asking what was going on. Three days later the book finally shipped and arrived at my house on December 19th. That was the day I found out my Mother had fallen and needed my help. I left the next day and drove the 200 miles to her house where I found that I had my e-readers but no paper books. Alien Tango was at home. I did not arrive back home for two weeks. Understand, I had this all planned. Gini was doing an interview with me on December 9th. I expected Alien Tango to arrive on the release date so I would have the recommendation up right after the interview. Better late than never is another saying for this recommendation.