My Book Beginning this week is from A Disappearance in Drury Lane ( a Captain Lacey Regency Mystery) by Ashley Gardner. Today is the release date so it is hot off of the eBook press. I pre-ordered the book and got the email telling me it had been sent to my Kindle this morning. We are all getting the book beginnig on the same day. For those of you who do not know Ashley Gardner is a pen name Jennifer Ashley.
Chapter One
"Late December 1817
Marianne Simmons came to me on a cold December day when I was packing away my old life in order to begin my new."
The Captain Lacey Regency Mystery series is one that started in print and was discontinued by the publisher. When Jennifer Ashley got the rights back she published them in eBook form along with a book she had written before the series was canceled. They sold so well that she has written additional books (there are eight in all) in the series. A Disappearance in Drury Lane is the latest. The Hanover Square Affair (Book One) is .99 at Amazon. If you like Historical Mysteries give it a try. The prices for all the books in the series range for .99 to 2.99. I love the series and hope some of you give it a try.
Ooh, interesting opening! I wonder what his old life was like...or what his new one is all about. Love the architecture on the book cover too :)
Happy reading! My Friday Book Memes
Ooh, I like that opening; it makes me wonder about what will happen next.
Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.
That's a great beginning and makes me want to read more! I've heard of this series and like Jennifer Ashley's writing style, so I'll definitely check it out!
Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my Book Beginnings post earlier! :)
Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction
That sounds like a fine beginning, I often enjoy stories set in that time period so I'm curious about these. Glad to see the author has been successful with these as well.
Historical and a mystery? Sign me up! I am hosting a book giveaway on my Book Beginnings post today so if you are interested, please click over and comment for a chance to win. Have a great day!
This sounds like a great series. Hope you enjoy the latest book. Thanks for stopping by my Friday post.
Hi Jo,
This is a new author and series to me and I really like the sound of a Regency mystery storyline.
I checked out Ashley's website and the full suite of cover art for the series is visible on a single page, it looks stunning.
I hope that you are enjoying the book and I have discovered yet another great author for my never ending list.
That would be good to pack up an old life. This book sounds good. :)
My book beginnings is from THE WEDDING GIFT...if you like the "teaser" I finished it today and reviewed the book if you care to check out the review.
It is a book EVERY woman should read.
Silver's Reviews
My Book Beginnings
This one sounds good. I'm going to have to see what the prices are over at B&N.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Sounds like an interesting book beginning. Hope the rest of the story is as good ...happy reading :)
I wonder what s/he's packing up .... and what's waiting!
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