Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shipscat Series by Mercedes Lackey

Science Fiction

Skitty is the cat in the Shipscat series by Mercedes Lackey. This is another series of short stories. Dick White is the cat handler for the spaceship Brightwing. Skitty is gene tailored for life on the Brightwing and can talk mind to mind with Dick. Like all cats she does not always follow directions, but her adventures always work out for good of White and the crew. In the first story she kills the kreshta and everyone thinks disaster will follow, in the second story the crew is kidnapped and Skitty must come to the rescue, a cat with the standard military genotype ends up on the Brightwing in the third story, and in the fourth there is a conflict when vermin are children of the gods to some on the planet. After buying and reading all four I was wishing for more tales of Skitty. This is another series I purchased on Fictionwise. The stories in order are:

Tale of Two Skittys
A Better Mousetrap

1 comment:

Frances said...

E-mail me. I want to give you a shout out on France Writes. You can get Contact info off my profile page. Also, check out the Meme that I posted yesterday. Your Reviews deserve the exposure.

Frances Drake

Writing Science Fiction Romance
Real Love in a Real Future