I'm linking up with Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings and Freda's Voice for Page 56.
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The Beginning:
"Ian Dunn's job for this assignment was a simple one.
Charm and distract."
Page 56:
"He hung up, then dialed Shelly's work number, but immediately got an automated message. It came through the speaker at a blaring volume as an additional fuck you. "the number you have dialed has been disconnected..."
The book is Do or Die (Reluctant Heroes #1) by Suzanne Brockmann. I won the book from the published several weeks ago and it is still sitting on my TBR pile. I keep thinking I will get around to reading it but haven't so far.
From Goodreads:
SEAL Ian Dunn went rogue in a big way when he turned his talents to a lawless
life of jewel heists and con jobs. Or so the world has been led to believe. In
reality, the former Special Ops warrior is still fighting for good, leading a
small band of freelance covert operatives who take care of high-stakes business
in highly unofficial ways. That makes Ian the hands-down choice when the U.S.
government must breach a heavily guarded embassy and rescue a pair of children
kidnapped by their own father, a sinister foreign national willing to turn his
own kids into casualties. Shockingly, Ian passes on the mission... for reasons
he will not–or cannot–reveal.
saying no is not an option. Especially not to Phoebe Kruger, Ian’s
bespectacled, beautiful, and unexpectedly brash new attorney. Determined to see
the abducted children set free, she not only gets Ian on board but insists on
riding shotgun on his Mission: Impossible-style operation, whether he likes it
or not.
Phoebe has a valuable knack for getting out of tight spots, there’s no denying
the intensely intimate feelings growing between Ian and Phoebe as the team
gears up for combat. But these are feelings they both must fight to control as
they face an array of cold-blooded adversaries, including a vindictive mob boss
who’s got Ian at the top of his hit list and a wealthy psychopath who loves
murder as much as money. As they dodge death squads and play lethal games of
deception, Ian and Phoebe will do whatever it takes to save the innocent and
vanquish the guilty.
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