My book beginning is from Starhawk, A Priscilla Hutchins Novel, by Jack McDevitt. This is a Science Fiction novel I checked out from my local library.
"Union Space Station ("The Wheel")
Wednesday, June 17, 2195
Priscilla was sitting in the Skyview, enjoying a grilled cheese, her notebook propped up on the table. But she wasn't reading. The room-length portal had as usual, stolen her attention She was looking down at the Asian coast."
Isn't the library great? I love to browse and find good reads.
Book Dilettante
Ooh, that's a Jack McDevitt title I haven't heard of yet! Thanks for sharing this, happy reading :)
My Friday Book Memes
- Lianne @ caffeinatedlife.net
Love the beginning! I would go on....
Here is my post
My sci-fi reading has been limited (Heinlein, Asimov, etc.) but this sounds like a good story. I'd like to know more!
Here's the link to my Friday post: QUILT TRIP.
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