Sunday, September 5, 2010

Body Master by C.J. Barry

Paranormal Romance

I have copies of Unearthed, Unchained, Unraveled, Unleashed and Unmasked, C.J. Barry’s Futuristic Romance series, so I was excited when I read that Body Master, the first book of her new paranormal series, was released this month.

Body Master is set on Earth near the present time. Unknown to most people,an alien ship full of Shifters has crashed on Earth. Using DNA a Shifter can become the image of any human. Shifters lost their home world hundreds of years ago and have been unwelcome on other worlds where they have tried to settle. While many of the Shifters just want find a new home and blend in there is a criminal element that enjoys killing humans. A special task force has been formed to deal with the problem. Seneca Thomas is the best agent in the task force. She is forced to partner with Max Dempsey, a Shifter. The chances of a successful partnership seem dim at best. Then Max and Seneca discover a plot by a Shifter mastermind to sell out both humans and Shifters. Only by working together can they stop what is about to happen.

Body Master has plenty of action, a interesting cast of characters and a wonderful plot. I think C.J. Barry has the start of a great new series.

Berkley Sensation published Body Master by C.J. Barry in 2010.

I purchased Body Master from Amazon.

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